"Our class is challenging in the best of ways... It moves your body, your mind, your heart and shifts the way you see yourself". - Julia
A 'Nesian' dance class designed for women to dance, laugh and learn.
With movement drawn from different parts of Oceania,
(Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia) this class focuses on
developing strength, stamina and self awareness.
Nesian Dance Class is an offering from Julia, sharing her many and diverse cultural dance experiences.
Wan Danis.
Sunameke Danis Members
The Yearly Membership includes:
Online access to previous Nesian Dance Seasons
Weekly class - Times and dates vary over the year (will begin in March)
*The classes are designed for beginners to intermediate levels of dance experience.
planning de saison.
Wan Danis - Sunameke Danis Members 2024
110$NZValable 12 mois- Weekly Classes
- Access to previous Nesian Dance Seasons
- Rehearsal Footage & Music Links
*Nesian Dance Class (NDC) does not offer a return or refund policy on its NDC Seasons. The participant agrees & understands: That there may be risks associated with involvement in NDC & that these risks cannot be completely eliminated. That NDC does not accept responsibility for loss or damage to personal property & that any medical costs not covered by ACC or a community services card will be paid by you. To release the Owners from any/all liability for their death, personal injury, psychological trauma, & loss or damage to their property (including consequential loss) howsoever arising, from their presence or activities during NDC. Acknowledges that by paying for the season you agree to this disclaimer, the participant is waiving their rights & their rights of their dependents to sue the Owners for losses arising from or relating to personal injury, death, psychological trauma & any loss or damage to their property, (including consequential loss) suffered whilst participating in NDC.
Défi vidéo de danse
Each month we have a Movement Challenge.
The challenge is introduced at our Sunday Beach classes.
You have access to the music and movement sequence online.
Send in a weekly video of your progress or attend the Sunday Beach class and get your critique and tips on how to improve from Julia.
rencontrer julia
Julia Mage'au Gray est une danseuse, chorégraphe, marqueur de peau (tatoueuse), photographe et cinéaste qui s'intéresse à l'exploration de son héritage papou et mekeo dans un contexte urbain australien et néo-zélandais. Ses performances combinent fréquemment la danse avec des récits vidéo évocateurs. Aujourd'hui basée à Auckland, Gray a cofondé le groupe de performance Sunameke en 1997. L'habillement ou la parure, y compris le marquage du corps avec tatu (tatouage), revêt souvent une importance particulière dans ses performances et ses films.
ori tahiti
Ori Tahiti
Participer aux formations Ori Tahiti de 2009 à 2014 au Conservatoire artistique de la Polynésie française Te Fare Upa Rau à Papeete, Tahiti a changé ma vie de la meilleure des manières .
Atteindre le niveau six a été l'un des parcours de danse les plus difficiles et apprendre sous Mamie Louise Kimitete et les nombreuses femmes à part entière de «mana» à Te Fare Upa Rau a été un honneur et un privilège absolus. Tellement reconnaissant d'avoir entendu, vu et ressenti la passion pour la culture tahitienne. Aujourd'hui, je partage la force d'être une femme que j'ai appris à apprécier en apprenant Ori Tahiti.
- Julia