Who Born You
Who Born You recounts the personal Kokoda Trail adventures of mixed-race modern women. Women born from Indigenous cultures impacted upon by Christian Missionaries and Western Lifestyle. ​
It impels audiences to question depictions of Pacific women as not unlike traditional idols now seen as objects of art in a museum or gallery.​
Intimate and thought provoking, it challenges the stereotype of the Pacific Woman with flowers in her hair and a beckoning smile. ​
Delving into the contemporary world of rhythmic hips, shoe boxes, shared space and
grounded feet. ​
Who Born You will rock your heart and weave the tracks of the modern day Pacific Woman.​
'Who Born You?' December 10th 2010 ​
@ Darwin Entertainment Centre.​
Reviewer: Natalie Richards
We all relish in modern day conveniences; driving our Japanese cars, sipping on European beers and wines, eating ethnic foods, leaving our dishes to the dishwasher. Globalisation has seeped through the cracks of our everyday lives and is now an inescapable part of living in a 'developed' nation. Admittedly, there are a number of advantages stemming from Globalisation - I wouldn't be planning my holiday to Switzerland if it weren't for the Boeing Jet obliterating the distance! Within the realm of culture, however, globalisation has not only developed the concept of cultural diversity, but posed a number of difficult questions for many of the worlds cultures, especially those of mixed-cultural heritage:
Who Born You?​​